Celebrate Diversity! All around us are efforts to encourage and engineer diversity. Diversity in the workplace. Diversity in education. Diversity in government. Diversity in entertainment.

How is this diversity being achieved? Through policies carefully designed to treat people differently. If you have the right color skin you can get a job here. If you were born in the right country you can get a scholarship. And so on.

Bigotry is widely understood as the belief that certain people should be treated differently based on how they look, or what they wear, or where they came from. Diversity is exactly the same thing. So is the bigotry of diversity a good thing? More simply you might ask, can bigotry ever be good?

There is a well known saying, “The soft bigotry of low expectations.” Diversity is based on the assumption that certain people just wouldn’t be able to achieve their best without help. That is exactly the same as assuming certain people just aren’t as smart or pretty as others, and therefore need sympathy and pity. How bold.

Diversity is bigotry masquerading as morality.